JIM JOE‘s work is regularly seen on the streets of New York City. Now, at last, a chance to see JIM JOE’s artistic execution in the confines of a leading New York City contemporary art gallery: for one evening and two days only during irregular gallery hours, New York Art Department proudly presents JIM JOE YES 2012 (or YES 12) at The Hole—the artist’s first solo show.
The culmination of five years of experience of writing on trash and other people’s property, the show consists of paintings, drawings and trash sculptures made over the course of three weeks and represents an attempt by the artist to transition ideas, emotions and intentions used in the street to a fine art gallery setting.JIM JOE’s interest in fine arts has been consistently visible in the city streets through allusions made to everyone from De Chirico to Basquiat to Kippenberger. Noticed by many but known a few, JIM JOE has built a large following for his humorous, prolific and brazen street and trash-based artistic exploits. Mixing highly legible and iconic execution style to obsessive “bombing” Graffiti technique JIM JOE has broken through the “street art” clutter and acquired following across a varied groups of art enthusiasts and collectors as evidenced by the fan submission-based blog www.cultofjoe.com and this quote from The Art Newspaper dated July/August 2012:
“The ubiquity and hyper-merchandising of street art have made it highly watchable. Most of it is abundantly visual, but among the street artists who stick to words, two are hard to miss: Jim Joe, who sounds as if he should be a southerner…”
New York Art Department is a New York-based creative studio and agency that specializes in the production and promotion of urban cultural content. Founded by Robert Cristofaro and Arnaud Delecolle, NYAD is built on the owners well-known ability to bring new, relevant talent to the general public’s attention. Among other creative projects, New York Art Department recently partnered with The Hole owner Kathy Grayson. Together, with the help of a young talented team lead by Chris Kennedy, they run The Hole Shop, the gallery’s retail venture. Before creating NYAD and until 2010 Delecolle and Cristofaro acted as creative directors of New York-based lifestyle brand ALIFE, which they co-founded in 1999.
For more info email: info@newyorkartdepartment.org