For his first European solo booth presentation, emerging American artist Jonathan Chapline transforms the space into a ‘‘Flatland’’ of 2D-3D hybrids.
The paintings on panel seem chiseled into existence along strict perspectival planes, à la Mernet Larsen or Avery Singer, a digital imaging style evolved from 3D rendering programs. The visual absurdity of rendering in clunky, wooden 3D a fern, a banana or a human breast is part of the humor of the works, whereas the moody palette and narrow tonal range give a more surrealist edge to the scenes.
Pulling items out of the paintings and into the booth installation, Chapline executes a table of objects and three potted plants with CNC routed MDF sculpture in the same 2D-3D way. Visitors can experience the virtual space of his painted world by entering this violet environment.
Jonathan Chapline graduated from the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) with a masters in fine art and has been included in notable group exhibitions. His first solo show with The Hole will be Fall 2018.
Elsässerstrasse 215
4056 Basel, Switzerland
VIP Preview: Monday, June 11th, 12-2 PM
General: Tuesday – Saturday, June 12th – 16th, 10AM – 7PM
Booth B2